Best of luck in your new job. It was a pleasure working with you :)
Hope to see you soon at some point.
2 years ago
E pa jarane, nema šta tu mnogo da se kaže što već nije rečeno Sretno kod konkurencije i vidimo se!
2 years ago
Dragi Zolika, dosao je kraj tvojoj misji kao kanadaski spijun u CS'u i kruna te salje dalje :) Zelim ti sve najbolje a najvise dobro zdravlje. Nedostajace mi nasi razgovori o filmovima i serijama. Svako dobro
Meriem Benouahoud
2 years ago
Dear Zoltan, It was a pleasure meeting you. I wish you all the best :) Take care.
2 years ago
Hey my old desk buddy, sniff, sniff... I'm going to miss you! ...never mind all the useful work you do around here! It has always been a pleasure working and chatting with you :) Best of luck on the other side and I'm sure our paths will cross again at some stage. Good luck and take care
2 years ago
Goodbye and good luck on your new journey Zoltan. It was a pleasure to meet you and work with you. Best wishes,
2 years ago
Now he's gone, now he's gone, Lord he's gone, he's gone Like a steam locomotive, rollin' down the track He's gone, he's gone and nothin's gonna bring him back, he's gone. (Robert Hunter)
Where do I now go for my SRB stickers?... See you on Europabrücke!
Cheers, Ian
2 years ago
Hey Zoltan It was great to work with you and have you as a colleague. Stay in touch . Max
2 years ago
Dragi Zoli, zelim ti sve najbolje kako u privatnom zivotu tako i na poslu. Nadam se da cemo i dalje nastaviti da se vidjamo na kafci negde..
2 years ago
puffff... where to start? in the times were you belonged to the team... but didn't work for the team? :-s it's been always fun to drink coffee with you... I will miss you (as well as Dilbert)... Cheers
2 years ago
Драги Золтане,
Пуно ћеш нам недостајати на састанцима наше "Српске Мафије", што би рекао друг Ијан, у оквиру кафане "Уетлихоф". Знам да ће ти радна изазови бити много бољи у колективу УБС-а, али буди сигуран да је храна овде код нас боља. Надам се да ћеш убрзо формирати нашу ћелију и на твом новом послу и наставити ширити наше идеје.
Са жељом да се поново дружимо и уз пуно поздрава од Новосађанке из Цириха.
2 years ago
Dear Zoltan, It's sad to lose you to the "other" bank. I'm sure you'll do many good things with stuff there also. Who will be the partner in crime now? Good luck and all the best!
2 years ago
Dear Python man (Like Spiderman),
Its my pleasure to work with you, Thanks a lot for educating me in many topic in TLS. When I see logs in python scripts, i will remember you Last but not least , For a sure CS canteen is going to miss you and your Serbian gang.
All the best for next adventure.
2 years ago
I'm really sorry that you are leaving.... in UBS work only boring people... So good luck! ;)
2 years ago
Hi Zoltan, It was great working with you though it was a very short journey but still I am going to miss you for the great positive attitude which you have. You are just full of life and always carries a happy smiling face :) All the best for your future endeavors. I wish you all the best. And yes I know Kabir Bedi from India
2 years ago
Hi Zoltan We got in touch for few months and in this period you taught me really a lot. I will always remember your positive attitude. Let's stay in touch and good luck for your new adventure!
James Smith
2 years ago
Dear Zoltan It was really a pleasure to work with you. All the best for the future and stay in touch! Best wishes, James
2 years ago
Dear Zoltan Thank you so much for the time we worked together. I enjoyed both working with you as a software engineer and as a person. We not only worked together, we also laughed a lot together ... I just mention Docker
I wish you all the best for the future!
2 years ago
Glad to meet you and get to know your point of view on modern corporate setup ;) Best wishes for your future ventures!
2 years ago
Was pleasure working together, until the next venture.
2 years ago
Hi Zoltan, it was great to work with you. Wishing you lots of success with you new venures
2 years ago
Hi Zoltan, It was always a pleasure to work with you over the past years, not only as a Quant, but also an an RE or Delivery Manager Please remember us!
2 years ago
Hi Zoltan, Thanks for all you help and positive attitude, it was a pleasure to work with you. I wish you all the best!
2 years ago
Dear Zoltan, It has been a pleasure working with you these past 2 years. We are surely going to miss your expertise and positive approach to work. Thank you for helping to drive the DevOps improvements within TLS and really changing the mindset and approach to how we deliver software. You will always be welcome back within the team. Good luck!!
Best of luck in your new job. It was a pleasure working with you :)
Hope to see you soon at some point.
Sretno kod konkurencije i vidimo se!
Svako dobro
It was a pleasure meeting you.
I wish you all the best :)
Take care.
sniff, sniff... I'm going to miss you! ...never mind all the useful work you do around here!
It has always been a pleasure working and chatting with you :)
Best of luck on the other side and I'm sure our paths will cross again at some stage.
Good luck and take care
It was a pleasure to meet you and work with you.
Best wishes,
Like a steam locomotive, rollin' down the track
He's gone, he's gone and nothin's gonna bring him back, he's gone.
(Robert Hunter)
Where do I now go for my SRB stickers?... See you on Europabrücke!
It was great to work with you and have you as a colleague. Stay in touch .
in the times were you belonged to the team... but didn't work for the team?
it's been always fun to drink coffee with you...
I will miss you (as well as Dilbert)...
Пуно ћеш нам недостајати на састанцима наше "Српске Мафије", што би рекао друг Ијан, у оквиру кафане "Уетлихоф". Знам да ће ти радна изазови бити много бољи у колективу УБС-а, али буди сигуран да је храна овде код нас боља. Надам се да ћеш убрзо формирати нашу ћелију и на твом новом послу и наставити ширити наше идеје.
Са жељом да се поново дружимо и уз пуно поздрава од Новосађанке из Цириха.
It's sad to lose you to the "other" bank. I'm sure you'll do many good things with stuff there also.
Who will be the partner in crime now?
Good luck and all the best!
Its my pleasure to work with you, Thanks a lot for educating me in many topic in TLS.
When I see logs in python scripts, i will remember you
Last but not least , For a sure CS canteen is going to miss you and your Serbian gang.
All the best for next adventure.
You are just full of life and always carries a happy smiling face :)
All the best for your future endeavors. I wish you all the best.
And yes I know Kabir Bedi from India
We got in touch for few months and in this period you taught me really a lot. I will always remember your positive attitude.
Let's stay in touch and good luck for your new adventure!
It was really a pleasure to work with you. All the best for the future and stay in touch!
Best wishes, James
Thank you so much for the time we worked together.
I enjoyed both working with you as a software engineer and as a person.
We not only worked together, we also laughed a lot together ... I just mention Docker
I wish you all the best for the future!
Best wishes for your future ventures!
Wishing you lots of success with you new venures
It was always a pleasure to work with you over the past years, not only as a Quant, but also an an RE or Delivery Manager
Please remember us!
I wish you all the best!
You will always be welcome back within the team. Good luck!!