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Soul Sisters

They say that “blood runs thicker than water”. That family comes first. Well, I don’t agree and I wanted you both to know that you are my family; Roxy and Cynthia. You are two incredible siblings who bring so much happiness to this life! We shared so many experiences together and so much love that it is far more valuable than any material thing on this Earth. So long as I have your friendship in my life, I know that I have everything I need and so much more.

I wanted to say thank you for accepting me as who I am. Accepting all the weirdness, the days when I’m a bit cranky or stubborn. For singing and dancing with me. For making our lives a beautiful dance wherever we go.

As I look back on how we met, it seems all so synchronistic and divinely orchestrated. Roxy, you were one of the first people I encountered at that magical lake we call home. We stayed up most of the night in our dorm beds separately but unable to sleep whilst sharing all of our hopes, dreams and secrets even with Paul and Nelly too! I remember your beautiful voice and angelic quality when we shared our first Kirtan together which you helped lead. I give thanks as to how we have taken that vibration to every place we’ve ever visited. Singing the names of Krishna and Radha to even the front of Grocery Outlets parking lot. That journey that we took from Mexico to Canada was truly epic! We allowed each other to trust more and more in the magic of every moment. Each day meeting new connections, exploring wonderful places and being like children making art and playing.

Cynthia, you are a gem! It’s so funny how we lived together but never saw each other. Amazingly you still were one of the only people who came to by birthday celebration that year at the hot springs. Little did I know that our souls were conversing and sharing the start of a beautiful friendship. Re kindling our connection in the jungle was like medicine. You shared so much of yourself and your light. I appreciate the simple times we had bathing in the rivers and eating a banquet for every meal. It was such a pleasure to share with the town and the children the vibrancy of our life that day we did the community event. The last 3 months I have spent travelling with you have been awesome. We spent every moment together, apart from bathroom breaks, and it never once felt old or stale to me! Perhaps all 3 of us are a match made in heaven! Thank you for your relaxed nature, your uncanny ability to laugh at everything and those dancing Cumbia hips.

I feel so blessed and fortunate to understand the real meaning of sisterhood and the deep connection we share. I want you to know that I will always support you whatever road you take in life and that you reside in my heart along with God. You are the friends that help me remember my divinity and connection to the Divine. Words cannot express but the sentiment of a tribute perhaps can. Gracias hermanitas.

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