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My Dad, My Hero

To my dearest dad,

Before I start, I must admit that it is rather difficult to write this tribute, as we rarely express our feelings. But, I do hope that I can express my appreciation, gratitude and love through this tribute.

The interaction between us keeps changing as we progress through different stages in life. During my childhood years, you were quite strict and set high standards for me to achieve. Although I longed to have more playtime, I am now grateful that you nurtured a sense of discipline and determination in me, so that I can achieve greater heights in life.

As I proceeded to high school, you gradually gave me more freedom to make decisions and arrange my schedule. It was a great experience to be given more authority, but at times I was overwhelmed with choices and possibilities. Whenever I was torn between choices, I could still seek advice from you to view things from a different perspective. You were always supportive and encouraging which gave me the courage to explore and face hurdles in life. I knew that you would always be there for me if I needed help.

Now that I am in college and you have retired, the dynamics of our relationship seemed to turn around. I realized that you tend to feel insecure especially when handling electronic devices. Besides that, you might feel lonely because my sister and I are away from home. So, I try to go back as often as possible and spend more time with you.

As my sister and I have grown up, and we can now manage our own responsibilities, I hope that it is our turn to be your support, just like how you supported us when we were growing up. Thanks for everything that you have done!

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