Gender Equality and the Real-World Wizard Fighting for It - Emma Watson
“Beauty is not long hair, skinny legs, tanned skin or perfect teeth. Believe me. Beauty is the face of who cried and now smiles, beauty is the scar on your knee since you fell when you were a kid, beauty is the circles when love doesn’t let you sleep, beauty is the expression on the face when the alarm rings in the morning, it’s the melted makeup when you have a shower, it’s the laughter when you make a joke you’re the only one who can understand, beauty is meeting his gaze and stopping understanding, beauty is your gaze when you see him, it’s when you cry for all you paranoias, beauty is the lines marked by time. Beauty is what we feel in the inside which also shows outside us. Beauty is the marks the life leaves on us, all the kicks and the caresses the memories leave us. Beauty is letting yourself live.” (Marie Claire, April 2015)
Emma Watson became famous as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. As this 'know-it-all' wizard she took on the world and all the magical monsters in it. She did so together with her friends and teachers. In real life, she is also doing magic and inviting the world to join her. Whether you like her or not, she has grabbed the attention of the world and made them listen. Whether you agree with her statements or not, you have to admit, she is determined and brave. Her quote above is just one of many that has inspired the world - women and men alike.
“I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.” (Marie Claire, April 2015)
This quote is from her HeforShe launch speech at the UN. This in itself is reason to be tributized. She has changed the view of what feminism is deemed to be. She has invited men and women, boys and girls to join her in the fight to bring about change that will allow us all to be equal. She does not only campaign for women's rights, but also for men to not be bound by expectations and perceptions that force them to be less of themselves. This campaign has reached millions and the first step to fixing a problem, is to identify it and make it known. The world is listening.
Emma Watson has achieved more by the age of 25 than most of us will achieve in 50 years or even our whole lifetime. One of her famous quotes, "If not me, who? If not now, when?" is one that truly speaks to me and moves me to want to act. All of us have asked ourselves whether we should take that opportunity or take that action, make change happen. How often do we walk away because we are afraid? I truly admire Emma for being able to take action and try and affect change. Many of us might not have the means, but we can do small things. Many who have the means, don't do anything either. There are many things that Emma could have done as a celebrity and she chose to fight to improve the lives of as many people as possible.
She is a truly remarkable person and an inspiration for all.
“Becoming yourself is really hard and confusing, and it’s a process. It’s often not cool to be the person who puts themselves out there.” (Marie Claire, April 2015).
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