What Moves You? A Tribute to Music
When I wake up every morning, one of the first things I do is listen to some good music. And, when I say good music...I mean, good music. The kind of music that makes you want to get out of bed and jump start your day, even if it's -2 degrees outside.
Music has become a positive outlet for me to engage in some positive thinking. I spend most of my days listening to music, finding new music, creating the ultimate playlists, etc.
As much as we all do not realize, music plays an important role in our lives. It can be considered a form of expression for both the creator and the one listening to the song.
Every genre has a song or two that you can at least appreciate, or enjoy during a night out with friends. Whether your favorite genre of music is country, classical, electronic dance music, hip-hop, rap, we all have something that is universal, which is the fact that every human being listens to music every day.
When I enter a store, the first thing I notice is the music being played in the background. Music can be an indicator of mood, personality, etc. And, music can be seen as therapeutic for some.
My music selection and playlists are no longer limited to a few genres, but all genres. The development of music over the course of history has allowed our society to create and recreate genres of music. Often, a genre is created from another genre, and the creation and development of new genres often incorporate a handful of other genres, which will influence whether or not you enjoy the song or not.
Music has the profound effect of universally uniting individuals, cultures, and socieities, as it is incorporated in all societies and cultures, as either a form of expression used in celebration, rituals, religion, or day-to-day life.
As humans, we are connected by very little, however, music is one form of expression that connects us to people we may not know or who may live in a different country, who practice other cultural beliefs.
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