tribute for my love Ola
On a cool evening sometime in 2014, I was returning from the basketball court exhausted as usual.As I was about reaching home I saw the most gorgeous lady in the world. She's tall, sexy and slim just like I've ever wanted. I walked up to her and said "hello".She looked at me with a charming smile that melted my heart away. ''The love flowed at first sight''. Then she replied " hi".Something led to the other and we started dating the next week. Ever Since that day my life changed for good..
Ever since she got into my life I've been a better person. Before I met Ola I never knew what true happiness could feel like, this i because I've been in very sad and abusive relationships in the past. Relationships that made me feel worthless. She always comes around to watch me play basketball. Her presence around the court makes me a better player. Whenever I'm performing poorly my team mates teases me and say " let's go get your girl and we'll have our man back" (laughing out loud), funny as it may sound, but it's true.She taught me how to love myself. She taught me how to cook delicious meals. She taught me how to organize my stuffs. She taught me how to play scrabble. She thought me how to talk(I used to be a very shy person). Almost every hack and shortcut I know today was taught by her.
She did something in my life i'd never forget: my semester results was released and I went to check, I saw I had a very poor grade in electronics(one of my mandatory courses), I was sad and depressed. I was even contemplating suicide. I’ve thought of all I could do to end my life at that moment because the world meant nothing to me anymore. This is the course I've had many sleepless nights for, burnt so many candles for. In fact I sacrificed a lot. I was destabilized and devastated. I was thinking of getting a gun, or getting poison, or just anything that'll end my life at that moment.
While this suicidal thought was still going on, I heard a knock on my door, I stood up from my bed and went to open the door, to my utmost surprise she was the one at my door-post(I never thought she could be at my place by that time, because she was very busy with her project).She came in, noticed my mood and asked what the problem was, I told her that I failed electronics and how my world has crumbled.Firstly she smiled and gave a quote that changed my life forever, she said: ''a single sheet of paper can't decide your future''.Those words changed my life forever. She saved my life. I sat for that same course in 2015 and I came out with a B.That day I went from a sad and depressed person to a very lively and thankful person.She gave me a million reasons to be thankful
I'll be forever grateful for having you as my girlfriend, I hope that one day I'll walk you down the isle in the presence of our families and friends.Thank you Ola for bringing joy into my life. I promise to love you forever
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