To Feble, my inspiration in life
Have you ever felt you've found your soulmate, right from the first moment you've met them? Have you ever felt a complete stranger is your closest family member?
Well, I did.
Now you probably expect to read a story about a boyfriend or husband, but let me tell you something: you can discover your soulmate in a friend. This article is about my best friend Christina, who is the sister I never had.
When we first met I never thought she was going to be something more than another random person in my life. It was at my first job and Chris was one of the senior editors, while I was one of the junior editors. From the moment I entered the office, everyone talked about her, yet she was nowhere to be seen in my first 2 weeks.
One day a tall blonde with a rather arrogant attitude walked into the office and asked about the juniors. She probably saw in my look that I was one of them, so she introduced herself. Despite the arrogance I felt from her, I also felt a warmth which made me smile.
At the time I was struggling with multiple problems. One day I was really low, due to my personal issues and one of my colleagues was really stepping on my nerves, so I screamed at her. We ended having a fight. One hour later, Chris entered the office and asked me for a private talk.
I was sure I was going to be fired, but instead, I was asked what was the problem – the real one – and I was offered emotional support. Plus a snack, as Chris insisted we spend couple of hours at a near-by pub. As I talked to her, I realized she was not going to fire me, but to encourage me to share my problems and communicate better with those around me.
From that day on we shared the good and the bad in our lives. We both had a deceased parent, we both struggled to make a living while attending college. We were both single, but not looking. We had the chance to talk about our lives and realized we have a lot in common. She is older than me and studied communication, while I studied information technology, but we both had talent in writing. She was an accomplished PR already, while I was about to prove my skills.
She is always elegant and looks like a million bucks, which is something I learned to do myself. She set a high standard for me, when it comes to the professional career, as she is very demanding, but she also knows how to reward hard work.
Time went by and we both quit the company where we've met, but we stayed in touch.
Regardless how hectic our schedule, we always make room for each other, when one of us has a problem. And boy, we did had troubles!
Christina was super-supportive during the second toughest time of my life, when I lose both my dream job and my first boyfriend. I developed a severe depression, but Christina was always there, trying to boost my mood, despite the fact she had recently lost her own mother.
She did her best to keep me on the floating line and to wipe my suicidal thoughts. Even when I refused to answer her calls, she kept sending me messages, encouraging me each day.
Nowadays we rarely manage to see each other or talk to each other, so there are often months on end when we don't catch up. But even so, when we do meet, it's like we've last talked yesterday. We can always rely on each other for psychological support.
I love the fact Chris is always teaching me something. It may be something little, such as how to prevent the headphones from tangling, or something big, like how to carry on after a bad breakup. She's my inspiration and when I am in front of a difficult decision I often thought about her and what would she say about it.
Another thing I love about Chris is her ability to make me see the situation from an objective perspective. I tend to be a drama queen. I tend to talk too much and overthink situations. And I am highly emotional. Chris draws the curtains and exposed the real, objective situation in front of me. Then she backs off, leaving me to actually decide what to do.
I often think if she ever had something to learn from me, if she ever felt she can be grateful for meeting me. Because I can't be more grateful for the day when the tall, arrogant blonde entered the office and introduced herself to me.
In all the years we've been friends I learned a lot from Chris. I learned to overcome my anxiety, to put a stop to my overthinking habit and live the moment. I also learned to present myself, as a person and as a professional. On the long run, this helped me a lot in my career, as I learned to communicate with people around me. Chris always pushed me forward, she always wanted more for me, just like I've wanted more for her and this made me the person I am today. Without Chris, I would probably be the same shy girl, afraid to speak up and take the lead.
Writing this makes me feel a lot of emotions, from the joy of the good times Chris and I had together, to the more difficult moments, when she had to wipe my tears. I know I can rely on her for everything and I hope she feels the same. After I will finish writing this, I will phone her and thank her for everything.
Thank you Chris for being my friend, thank you for not giving up on me. I love you girl!
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