Inimitable Dawn of a Spirit - Lord Buddha
It’s a time of very long ago. A time where human are evolving slowly and many cultures are confined to continents. This noble teacher was born in India, a beautiful country, rich with good cultural aspects, abundant of religious worshipers.
He was born into the luckiest family of the country, the family of a wealthy king. But the royal predictors foresee the mysterious events, which the little prince will go through and eventually let go off royal amenities for some unfound truth seeking. King Suddodhana, the father of prince Siddhartha evade all the sad and bad causes away from prince to protect him from abandoning the crown.
Regrettably, the king was defeated by that cold war. One day Siddhartha on his daily town visit, accidently saw a wretched old man, dying person, a dead body and a clergy. He found its strangeness and his mind wanders deeply to find why such sufferings to people.
“Doubt everything, find your own light ” – Lord Buddha
Siddhartha’s journey was determined to find the true meaning of life, to find the reason why these people are suffering every day and die. Nonetheless, He was blessed with all the luxuries, surrounded by loved ones. Though, there is something inside his spirit is looking for an escape, an escape from this whole repeating agonized existence.
At that time he was a father of a newborn, with a beautiful and loyal wife. But he was written to find something valuable. To the whole living beings. One day, he left the palace with the unbeaten determination to reveal the hidden meaning of the life
The journey was not simple, not comfortable. He had to meet several teachers, follow their concepts, realize the emptiness of all those. He had to suffer from hunger and thirst, put his body to the extreme danger before he can realize that the ultimate relief is solely based on our own thoughts not anywhere else.
He discovers the noble truth of life sufferings, the reason for sorrow and how to cure the suffering. Then he started to offer his findings to the mankind, he firstly pays gratitude to his first ever teachers and then his parents and relatives. Never missed anyone in need of consolation.
His teachings are re- born as scientific discovering, proving the intelligence of the great leader. None of his words are meaningless. There is a solution for every struggling inside his philosophy.
Lord Buddha’s teaching is eternal, in accord with anyone’s problem, can use in any situation. Most of all if you follow the theories and practice with patience you will be the happiest and serenest person you’ve ever wondered.
“The mind is everything. What you think you become” – Lord Buddha
This is the ultimate revelation gifted to all human if we are lucky we’ll follow him and realize the ultimate truth behind everything and learn to live every moment with contentment. It is the millions of worshipping and prayers he attains for his great kindness to the mankind.
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