A Tribute to my Best Friends- Risshy & Parth
We all met three years ago at the prestigious Sp Jain School of Global Management. Three very different lads from two extremely different continents. No one ever had a clue that three years down our friendship, we’d have some of the best memories with each other. From the Home of the “World cup of Wildlife” or better known as the wild beast migration phenomena (one of the seventh wonder of the world) Kenya, schooling abroad was one of the things I had looked forward to.
In Mumbai, India during my first year, I was skeptical (don’t know about my mates) if I’ll fit into the stringent Indian culture. I guess it’s safe to say that I had my own concluded assumptions traveling to Bombay. My mates, on the other hand, Rishhabh (Risshy) and Parth (Gary) seemed to be right at home and at peace with everything. I mean why not? They were from India though from a different town but nonetheless, this was their home.
I still remember our first conversations funny thing is we bonded over the most minuscule of issues. Risshy (as I call him) is part of a caste in the Rajasthan culture. I got to know this over an introduction session in class as part of the orientation process for the freshman class. Somewhere in my mind, I heard he said that he was a Pakistani. Over my few short weeks in the country, I got to know that apparently Indians and Pakistanis have this ancient rivalry. Over our lunch break, I got to talk to him over the issue and when his eyes widened, I knew I had definitely overstepped.
As I waited for this 6’1-foot dude to confront me over what I termed as a vile invasion of his cultural and unspeakable privacy, He sat me down and explained to me in detail, I mean in DETAIL my error. That was the birth of an awesome friendship/ bro love between the Gentle giant and an ignorant David Yes me!
For Parth, we bonded more over food. He just bluntly approached where I usually sat in class and wanted to know about Kenya since he hadn’t traveled to any country in Africa. Then he offered a piece of whatever home cooked meal he had brought from home to showcase why I need not deny his invitation for a lunch hangout the next day to explore the “wonders” of Indian food. Boy, I’m glad I accepted his invitation!
Fast forward to three years after we met and weirdly got introduced to each other, Just a month ago we had a “bro vacay” to Goa. Some quality bonding time away from all the fracas in the world. I just want to say thanks to the universe for introducing us to each other. I’m personally grateful to have friends who despite all the world racial bullshit and difference in cultures figured a way to bypass all that and blossom a wonderful friendship. Through my highs and lows both in the past and future, I’m glad that I passed through all that beside you guys and cheers to us!
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