Bill Stevens. It's nice to be important... but it's more important to be nice

At the end of the 80's (shows how old I am) I used to train at Bill Stevens Gym in Stratford, East London. Bill's gym was a really hardcore bodybuilding gym, and some incredibly strong men (and women) used to train there. Bill was one of Britain's strongest men. If I remember he was the British record holder for one arm overhead lift at one point. Bill was a very big guy, and also had a big heart. He had one customer who was 83 years old who used to workout there. Bill had stopped charging him once he got to 65 so he trained there free of charge, and acted as an unofficial trainer.
Bill had a sign behind the counter at his gym which said 'It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice'. I will never forget Bill or that sign.
The point is that it IS really important to be nice, and that is really the motivation behind Tributize. A platform where you can write nice things about people who you know, respect and admire. Why not try it?